I have had stuff piling up in the garage an felt that since this was the first Saturday with no rain in quite some time, what better day to have a yard sale :)
I got rid of a lot but still have leftovers, which I plan to just give away to Salvation Army orto the community.
I am happy to have cleared up the huse of things we didnt need or want anymore and the extra cash is nice :) I do plan to save the $ and use it for something we need.
I think tomorrow I a treating myself to a day at the Waterpark haha
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The past 2 days
Yesterday was ok. Was able to let the boys play on the Slip N Slide. They also got to play with the bubble maker I bought for them. They had more fun with that then the slide. Thank goodness we did it when we did, cause 1 hour later it was thundering, hard rain and lightening. I am also happy we did not waste the time going to the water park. Already a mission to get 3 kids ready to go, would have been upset to have went all that way to leave a hour or two later....

After all the rain wen away, a beautiful bird came to the bird feeder we put in the front yard. I love looking over there and seeing them eat. We also have a Hummingbird feeder and one day we had about 4-5 different ones feed off of it. They came 1 after another about 5 minutes apart for a hour straight, so pretty.
Today I took the boys to Chuck E Cheese. Last minute thing. Was going to take them to the Sprinkles Museum in Jax, its a great museum just for kids. All miniature version things, like dr, gym, grocery store, you name it. Well, found out it closed :(
So my mom suggested CEC. The boys had a good time and we ended up using all the tokens I had saved for months lol
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Finally there is sun!
It has rained non-stop for the last week. I was happy at first cause my grass needed it, then it got to be too much lol The good thing is my grass is green and plush, and I didnt have to pay to water it :)
I had plans to take the boys to the local waterpark, but I just do not have the motivation for it. I think I am going to let them out on the slip and slide. That way we don't have to go to far and I can get some things done in the yard while they play. If it does not rain tomorrow , we are for sure going to the waterpark.
Here is what I have planned for my to do list:
* Sweep kitchen and dinning room
* Clean game room
* Laundry
* Put laundry away
* Clean dog bedding and crate
I had plans to take the boys to the local waterpark, but I just do not have the motivation for it. I think I am going to let them out on the slip and slide. That way we don't have to go to far and I can get some things done in the yard while they play. If it does not rain tomorrow , we are for sure going to the waterpark.
Here is what I have planned for my to do list:
* Sweep kitchen and dinning room
* Clean game room
* Laundry
* Put laundry away
* Clean dog bedding and crate
Monday, May 25, 2009
Old Navy, Family Pictures and a Baseball Game
We went to Jax yesterday to go to a Baseball Game and get pictures done of the kids.
I figured we would stop by Old Navy while there and look at their clearence stuff for the boys.
I was happy I did. All items were a additional 50% off! I got 2 huge bags full of boy clothes, some winter, some summer, for $50.00!! I am so stoked on how much I saved. All 3 boys will be set for next year on top of the hand me downs of the oldest. My oldest was the one who needed the most since he does not get hand me downs and grows like a weed.
After pictures we headed to my moms for a early Memorial Cookout. Chris had to leave this morning so we wanted to celebrate before he left. Then it was off to the Baseball Game. We have gone this day for the last 2 years, and we get pretty good seats.
They had fireworks at the end which the boys loved. Oh, and out home team won :)
My childhood friend Kellie
Sunday, May 24, 2009
New Vacuum and Game Night
I am so happy to say I saved $200 on my Dyson! I bought mine from Lowes. Got the Animal version, since we have 2 cats and a dog, it was needed!
Well, while at Lowes I saw that they would be anyone else's price plus 10%! So I was on a mission to find the same vacuum at another store cheaper.
Well, while at Lowes I saw that they would be anyone else's price plus 10%! So I was on a mission to find the same vacuum at another store cheaper.
Well, low and behold, Best Buy had their's for 20% off. So I printed up the advertisement and brought it to the store and my reciept. They were happy to give me the difference in price and then 10% off that. So I saved 30%. I am so happy. I got a $600 vacuum for $400. It's the same price as thecheapest Dyson but the most expensive brand. Whoot! I am a Happy Housewife for sure!
Then last night I decided to make a Spaghetti Dinner. All the way from Homemade Sauce, to Homemade Meatballs. I thouht well, a nice meal, so why not invite some guests over.
I asked my sister, her 2 boys and her boyfriend over.
We had a good time. Some wine, games and food. MMMMM
Me and my sister
(Andrew took this one, hence me not really being in the picture lol)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Back from a small break
I know it has almost been 2 weeks since I have updated my blog. Lots have been going on here. Some good some bad....
My husband called me last Monday to inform me he would be coming home early from work. That they had no more work for him. This was 2 weeks before he was due home, so not good. The bad part was not knowing if they would have work for him in 2 weeks, when he ran out of pay.
When he got home we hurried to get his resume and documents out there in the Merchant Mariner world. With lots of hard work and determination, he got a call yesterday and has a new job.
This is kinda scary for us. New job means new experiences... new pay schedule and also not knowing much of what the future holds.
The good thing is he will be going to a more family friendly job, better pay, better outlook on th future as far as job security.
But I have faith that this was meant to be and will be good for us.
My oldest got the highest award given at school, the Superintendent award. This is for having a A average in all subjects throughout the school year. He made straight A's all year. I am so proud of him!
He also claimed top AR (Accelerated Reading) in his grade and almost #1 in the whole school.
My second son, received a award for most improvement in Handwriting :) He has done very well writing his name. I just cannot believe he will be in Kindergarten next year. Where has the time gone?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day to me
This Mother's Day was a good one. Even though my husband was gone, yet again, the boys and I had a good time.
First, my 2 oldest came home with a cake they made just for me. They were so cute. I just enjoy getting these each year. Then I got a paper with a poem and Dalton's handprints on it, he even signed his name. Andrew made me a bracelet and also a few cards.
Then Saturday we went to the beach with another mom friend who's husband was also away. That was a blast.
Then afterwards ate dinner with my wonderful sister.
Sunday, I awoke to my kids wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. Now that made my day. No gift could have made me as happy as that.
Then we decided to go to the local WaterPark, with my friend and her kids.
We had a great time. Spent 3 hours running around in the water and sun.....
Friday, May 8, 2009
My goals
I took a day off from the computer, because I felt being on here or the easy access of it being on all day took away from what I really should be doing. Cleaning, cooking, taking care of my kids and animals. Also taking time for myself to read or knit, things I enjoy doing.
While I was gone for that short period, I thought about some things, even though it was a day, you can sure think and do a lot in that time when you do not have the distraction of a tv or computer. I fond it sad how this technology has taken some of the best pleasures in life away.
I have wrote down some of my goals from this point on, now they might change, add on some, take away some that just are not practical, but I hop to keep to it and also add more as I go.
* Do no buy anything that is not needed or cannot afford. If I do not have the "cash" then wait on it or think hard on if I really need it on the time it takes me to save for it. I have found impulse shopping is one thing I regret in the end. I realize after I have bought it that it was just not a need but a want, and a expensive want at that.
* Pay on all the credit cards, starting with the one with less balance and get it paid off and cut up and also, if I can, cancel the account. Make a list of what I owe, the interest and amount owed. I think this will put into perspective on how much we have spent and how silly we have been about our money.
* Make a schedule of things needing to be done around here. A chore list. Keep things clean and not put it off. Keep to the schedule so I do not get behind.
* Spend less time on the computer and TV. Only get on when really needed or when I have time for me. I think I am going to allow 1 hour a day for computer time. I think I send too much time just doing things that I really don't need to be on for. What a waste of time for what I could really be doing.
I hope to add more, because I believe there are more things I could improve on for my family and myself.
While I was gone for that short period, I thought about some things, even though it was a day, you can sure think and do a lot in that time when you do not have the distraction of a tv or computer. I fond it sad how this technology has taken some of the best pleasures in life away.
I have wrote down some of my goals from this point on, now they might change, add on some, take away some that just are not practical, but I hop to keep to it and also add more as I go.
* Do no buy anything that is not needed or cannot afford. If I do not have the "cash" then wait on it or think hard on if I really need it on the time it takes me to save for it. I have found impulse shopping is one thing I regret in the end. I realize after I have bought it that it was just not a need but a want, and a expensive want at that.
* Pay on all the credit cards, starting with the one with less balance and get it paid off and cut up and also, if I can, cancel the account. Make a list of what I owe, the interest and amount owed. I think this will put into perspective on how much we have spent and how silly we have been about our money.
* Make a schedule of things needing to be done around here. A chore list. Keep things clean and not put it off. Keep to the schedule so I do not get behind.
* Spend less time on the computer and TV. Only get on when really needed or when I have time for me. I think I am going to allow 1 hour a day for computer time. I think I send too much time just doing things that I really don't need to be on for. What a waste of time for what I could really be doing.
I hope to add more, because I believe there are more things I could improve on for my family and myself.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Tuesday
The start of the day came slow. I was awaken first by that darn alarm and then my oldest coming in and popping his head up from the side of the bed, talk about being scared to not being able to go back to bed :)
Got the kids dressed, off to school. Then it was off to watr the front yard, I fertalized it yesterday, so hopefully this helps the lawn. The dog has runied parts of it when he went potty.
I still have quite a few things to do even before lunch time, so I better get up and going...
Here is my to do list
* Water lawn
*Vacuum dinning room/ kitchen
*Visit a friend at her store
*Pick up some things at the store for dinner tonight
* Pick up a free 8x10 picture at Walgreens ( I got this by going online and entering the code MOTHER, got a free 8x10) TOMORROW
*Clean out oldest sons room, now that will be a challenge lol
Got the kids dressed, off to school. Then it was off to watr the front yard, I fertalized it yesterday, so hopefully this helps the lawn. The dog has runied parts of it when he went potty.
I still have quite a few things to do even before lunch time, so I better get up and going...
Here is my to do list
* Pick up a free 8x10 picture at Walgreens ( I got this by going online and entering the code MOTHER, got a free 8x10) TOMORROW
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My vision and dreams
Looking back 15 years ago, I would have never seen myself where I am now. I had no intentions of having kids, getting married, was far from my mind then.
Then looking back 10 years ago, I would have never thought I would have a baby and be married at 18. But when I met my husband, it all was meant to be. I LOVED him so much. So when I got pregnant, it was a blessing. Meant to be..... And it was.
Fast forward to now....
I never thought I would be a sahm and housewife. I started being one 8 years ago, more because I needed to for my son. Chris was gone all the time and I just could not leave him without one parent home for his needs....
Now that I have been home and have 3 kids now and married over 10 years, I am sooooo happy with my choice. It was not easy at first, I was alone, sad, depressed. I had only my son and I was a young mom. My husband was gone almost 10 months out of the year.....
I think everything is meant to be, our choices will soon become clear if they are not at the time we make them.
I love being home with my kids, at home when my husband is back from work, I love cleaning my house, taking care of the animals, I love being here for my husband and his needs, he works so hard for us and deserves all my attention when he is home, cooking for my family. Being home for them when they get home from school, helping with their name or homework, holding them when they are sick....
I am just so glad I am able to be home to take care of my home and my family, what a great choice and privilege that is!
Then looking back 10 years ago, I would have never thought I would have a baby and be married at 18. But when I met my husband, it all was meant to be. I LOVED him so much. So when I got pregnant, it was a blessing. Meant to be..... And it was.
Fast forward to now....
I never thought I would be a sahm and housewife. I started being one 8 years ago, more because I needed to for my son. Chris was gone all the time and I just could not leave him without one parent home for his needs....
Now that I have been home and have 3 kids now and married over 10 years, I am sooooo happy with my choice. It was not easy at first, I was alone, sad, depressed. I had only my son and I was a young mom. My husband was gone almost 10 months out of the year.....
I think everything is meant to be, our choices will soon become clear if they are not at the time we make them.
I love being home with my kids, at home when my husband is back from work, I love cleaning my house, taking care of the animals, I love being here for my husband and his needs, he works so hard for us and deserves all my attention when he is home, cooking for my family. Being home for them when they get home from school, helping with their name or homework, holding them when they are sick....
I am just so glad I am able to be home to take care of my home and my family, what a great choice and privilege that is!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
To do list 5-2
I have not posted my to do list in quite some time, but don't let that think that I have not been busy lol
*Clean walls and base board in kitchen
*Scrub all doors in kitchen
*Clean oven
*Hang dry 2 loads of laundry
*Clean kitty tree in game room (that thing is full of cat hair, ugh)
*Vacuum dinning room and kitchen
* Clean and purge cupboards in kitchen
* Clean and purge cupboards in kitchen
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