Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Tuesday

The start of the day came slow. I was awaken first by that darn alarm and then my oldest coming in and popping his head up from the side of the bed, talk about being scared to not being able to go back to bed :)
Got the kids dressed, off to school. Then it was off to watr the front yard, I fertalized it yesterday, so hopefully this helps the lawn. The dog has runied parts of it when he went potty.
I still have quite a few things to do even before lunch time, so I better get up and going...

Here is my to do list

* Water lawn

* Vacuum dinning room/ kitchen

* Visit a friend at her store

* Pick up some things at the store for dinner tonight

* Pick up a free 8x10 picture at Walgreens ( I got this by going online and entering the code MOTHER, got a free 8x10) TOMORROW

* Clean out oldest sons room, now that will be a challenge lol


Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

What a great tip! (the walgreens one)

Happy Housewife said...

I was wrong about that, its tomorrow... sorry